against illegal immigration- breaking the law, 43 million people in the usa are illegal and are taking our jobs. they know that their family is going to be torn apart so its their fault. have a higher crime rate than most people in america. don't know their background so crime rate could go up
for illegal immigration- want to keep families together, and be nice to our neighbors. the wall would cost too much too builld. last year 5,000 people died trying to keep here in the water. they get paid less so its better for the economy. in the jobs that they take, they take low skill jobs.
Tuesday- did our debate
Wednedsay- debate again
against sanctuary cities- more illegal immigrants are on welfare then americans are on welfare. costed citizens 113 billion dollars so far. 8,145 illegal immigrants were released from detention in 2014. 5,132 had criminal records, and 2,984 had felony charges.
pro life- heart beat begins at 3 weeks, and you can really hear it at 12 weeks. 2,700 abortions happen a day. having an abortion can cause health issues like infections and later on if they try to get preggo again it may cause issues. 188 per 1000 live births. almost 54% of abortions occur from 7 to 12 weeks when they are already basically developed. killing a child goes against the natural law and Christian beliefs.
pro choice- 14 times more likely to die during an abortion than giving birth. its bad for children to be born in a place where they are not wanted or not going to be taken care of. forcing a woman to give birth takes away her right to control her body. women who are denied abortion are more likely to have mental problems, children who are put up for adoption are more likely to have mental issues later in their life, (twice as likely) 153 million kids worldwide are orphans so people can adopt them. damage to the womb occurs in less than 1%
Friday- watched documented movie