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Today in US HIstory we continued the discussion on our 8th grade review topics. We went over colonization, which I had presented but I had forgotten most of what I had written in my blog, so that was somewhat embarassing for me. We also discussed the
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tuesday, august 25

In Current World Issues today, Mr Bruns told us about the assigned blog we would be writing this week. Its stuff about healthcare and some stuff Obama is doing. Then, we went around the room and talked about the summer events blogs that we wrote last
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August 25 First Tuesday of the Year

Today was once again consisting of us just talking about our blog assignments about all the history stuff that we learned in eight grade. We didn't get too far, and there were several people missing for unknown reasons. My hypothesis is that they gav
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The fifth day of school ushered in the eras of the "messenger-style" bookbag, mountains of homework, frantic searching for a gym bag, and newly sore mucles from PE. It's finally started to feel like I belong in the highschool, as compared to last wee
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Today in class we went ove a few more things on the blog. We got our groups for tests and our seating chart. Mr. Bruns explained our blogs that are due on sunday. Then we started talking about our blogs that we have posted. We didnt get through every
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Austin's Summary for 8/25/09

Today we got into our groups and talked about our blogs. We summarized exploration as being people going out to explore and get money.We learned Colonization was how countries created towns in a new land so that they could expand their countries cont
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August 25, 2009

Today, I learned where all the different colonies settled when they first came here. All the Dutch, French, and English settled all around the U.S., Canada, and South and Central America. The Revolutionary War was between Great Britain and the Americ
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Tueday, August 25, 2009

Today in U.S. history:Exploration:People explored for gold, spices, and anything profit. France, Portugal, England, and Spain explored the most. Spain had most of the land on the western hemisphere, mostly Mexico. England settled on the east coast, a
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8/24/2009 Dailys

Today everyone talked about themselves. Mr. Bruns was the first one to talk then we went around the room. After that we started talking about are 8th grade section that we did research on. We only got to a few people.
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Today in History everyone gave a speech about themselves. I learned new things about my class and Mr. Bruns. A couple people start their speeches about the 8th grade history review. I learned that Christophor Columbus' real name isn't really Christop
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August 24, First Monday of the Year

Today we spent the period telling the rest of the class about ourselves; where we are from, what we like to do, our favorite sports teams, and other stuff like that. I can't remember everyones story but it was interesting to hear where others are fro
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In class today, Erin Markham did her speech on Native Americans. She told us that they came from Russia down through Alaska and made the Americas their homeland. There were many different tribes. All the tribes were very unique and had their own beli
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August Twenty Fourth, 2009

Today in CWI we had to write down any questions we had for Mr. Bruns. I, on the otherhand, didn't have any questions, because I'm starting to get a hang of things. Also, I'm pretty good at figure things out myself. After that, Each of us in the class
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August 24, 2009

Today was the first day that we kinda learned stuff. We did our discusions on stuff about us and we started to discuss the 8th grade blog topics.
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CWI Monday

Today I was late again, and coach scared the crap outta me again. You gotta stop doin that coach! Today we did the group discussions. I realized coach is a yankees fan. I was kinda discouraged because everyone knows the blue jays are the real champs.
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August 24,2009

Today I learned about the Native Americans before Christopher Columbus. I learned many were killed off disease when the Europeans came to the U.S. The Native Americans said to have walked across from Asia to the U.S. and getting stranded in the U.S.
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August 24, 2009

Today in American History, we wrote down problems we have been having, then we started in on our blog discusion...
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Monday, August 24, 2009

I learned today that a lot of the people in our class and probably in our school as a whole aren't all from Harlan. Most of them weren't born in Harlan either. I didn't know that my best friend moved here when she was 3. I thought that she'd always l
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Monday 8-24-09

Today in U.S. History we talked about everyone’s free choice blog. It was fun to hear what everybody wrote about in their blogs. I learned some new things about people that I never knew about before. We also had one of the 8th grade review blogs talk
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