The fifth day of school ushered in the eras of the "messenger-style" bookbag, mountains of homework, frantic searching for a gym bag, and newly sore mucles from PE. It's finally started to feel like I belong in the highschool, as compared to last week when I felt my inner, confused child resurface and freak out.It's beginning to feel like maybe I won't die on the communte from PE to english (which honestly, needs to go down faster than a New York minute), and maybe Industrial Tech won't be as awkward as I previously thought. The testosterone levels in that class are immense, but maybe having at least one girl in there will keep all the boys under control?Anyways, today in CWI we continued to discuss our summer news blogs, and found out some information that has reignited my hypochondria. Mr. Brun's told us, and further research has showed, that the H1N1 virus is predicted to kill upwards of 90,000 people in the United States in the Fall and Winter seasons. This is just great.In the former "hay day" of the H1N1 virus, I was telling people that it really wasn't that serious. I told them that they needed to calm down, and it was being blown way out of proportion. How am I going to look if I die from it? I'll look stupid! That just doesn't fly around here.Also, we formed our groups today. Mine is an amazing force quite possibly beyond belief. It contains myself, obviously, Drea, and Hunk. Together, we shall conquor all and be counted as heros....hopefully!Anyways, We still have stories to discuss tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get to them all.