August 25 First Tuesday of the Year

Today was once again consisting of us just talking about our blog assignments about all the history stuff that we learned in eight grade. We didn't get too far, and there were several people missing for unknown reasons. My hypothesis is that they gave up with school and saught refuge in the wild lands of northern Alberta. Anyways back on topicWe reviewed the colonization of the New World that the four major powerhouse countries of the era fought to control, Revolutionary War (which we won of course), the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution. The Revolutionary War was pretty basic and nearly everyone had a good idea of what happend, and the same with the colonization. The Articles of Confederation were a bit more interesting; It was the first form of government established by the finally free U.S. colonies after the Revolutionary War. That government failed miserably mainly because the states had more power that the federal government. Luckily, some very wise men decided that this wasn't the way to go.James Madison propsed the U.S. Constitution which is till our government system today (with modifications over the years of course). We learned that there are currently 27 ammendments to the Contitution, and that an ammendment is very hard to pass, especially when it is an ammendment to end or change another ammendment.
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