Posted by 3JordanS on September 8, 2009 at 12:02am
Guantanamo Bay is a place for "war criminals" to go. These people are alegged to be terrorists, and have been brought in and detained by means that some people might go as far as to say that is immoral. These terrorists have been brought in by numero
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Alex and Derek King were only 12 and 13 when they were accused of killing their father with a baseball bat.It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving in 2001, the boy’s father was found in his house that was on fire with his head smashed in. The boys were
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Ok, after doing some searching, I came up with a free choice blog topic that I never really thought of before. Who invented braille, the form of reading that blind people use? Well it just so happens to be Louis Braille.Louis Braille, an English born
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2:17 on Sunday morning, one of China's worst mine explosion begins to happen. The miners were working in the Tunlan Coal Mine in Shanxi Province, the coal mining heartland of China. The mine is in the city of Gujiao and is managed by the Shanxi Cokin
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Isn’t it amazing how so many people that have come and gone from this world have made a significant impact on thousands of lives, and most of us these days don’t even know that they existed, let alone what they accomplished?Well, while looking for pe
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Globalization is the physical expansion of the geographical domain of the global that is, the increase in the scale and volume of global flows and the increasing impact of global forces of all kinds on local life. Moments and forces of expansion mark
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Posted by 5Shelbie on September 7, 2009 at 10:20pm
Could two young boys the age of 12 and 13 really brutally kill their father? In 2001 in their Florida home Alex and Derek King beat their father to death with a baseball bat. They lit the house on fire after to cover it up. There still is spectulatio
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A Spanish court has resently started a criminal investigation into allegations that six former Bush administration officials violated the 1984 Geneva Convention Against Torture by creating legal justification for torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Ba
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.Not only were these people abused, tortured, raped, murdered. Some of these victims were beaten so harshly that they died after so long. It was reported not only were these prisoners raped, abused, tortured by other country personel but also the U.S
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I think it was interesting to here the different points of view. Now that I watch the movie it opened my eyes to that there may have been more then one shooter.
If you have not seen the movie yet here is a little section of it for you to watch
Now thi
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I read the interview of a former translator named Erik Saar at Guantanamo Bay. He sat through many interrogations of the prisoners there. He talked about all the different things he witnessed at Guantanamo.Saar told 60 Minutes that most of the men at
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The UNCAT (United Nations Against Torture) defines torture as:any act, by which severe pain or suffering, mental or physical is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, information or a confession punishing him forRead more…
A woman put on trial for wearing clothing deemed indecent by Sudanese authorities was jailed Monday. She faces up to 40 lashes, a month in jail and 500 Sudanese pounds fine ($209 in U.S.)."She refused to pay the fine as a matter of principal." said h
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Water boarding is a form of torture that the U.S.A uses. It is laying the victim on their back with their head pointing downwards. They are tied to a board and a cloth is put over their face. Then water is poured onto the cloth causing the victims br
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Somewhere.. Deep in a humid, overgrown, Papua New Guinea rainforest.. In the far corner, weighing in at almost three and a half pounds, and standing at 32.2 inches from nose to tail, is the newly discovered giant Bosavi woolly rat! It was discovered
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President Obama is going to be giving students across the US a speech tomarrow. A basic overveiw of that ive read is that he will be talking about how you need to stay in school and listen to teachers, your parents and other people who want to help y
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His pen name was Dr. Seuss. His real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel. Most kids know him as the author of The Cat and the Hat. He wrote and illustrated many other books for children, and he produced a series of TV specials including The Grinch Who Stol
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Labor Day is a national holiday, when most people enjoy camping trips, family get-togethers, barbecues, and/or a lovely 3-day weekend. This year for Labor Day, I got to go horseback riding in the morning, and then I went on a 25-mile bike ride in the
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