Today in Cwi we discussed our free choice blogs. Also in U.S. History, we did the same thing. I learned about the new rat species found. It was found in New Guinea, and is the size of a cat. Also, in Cwi, we discussed the harsh interagation teqniques
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HQ_M09-172_STS-128_Landing_Set.htmlThe Space Shuttle Discovery is came home last Thursday after spenging 13 days in space.Summary- I think this is really cool and i always love watching and hearing about the space shuttle.I saw a shuttle launch when
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On Friday in Cwi, we talked about the harsh interrogation teqniques. Mr Bruns talked to us on our assigned topics, and our free choice blogs. We also talked about how we have to know the maps, and studied briefely. I realy didn't lean alot from today
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Today in class we talked about our free choice blogs, we also talked about the assassinations blogs.I liked the one on abraham lincoln, thats my favorite assassination from history, i loved hearing about that.
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Summary- That story is really cool, i dont know why people are mad about it, i love how he tells stuff about his own life and his own troubles he had to face growing up to become the president. The speech basically talks about the education of kids,
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Today in Us History we reviewed our free choice blogs and assassination blogs. We talked about the history of shoes. They had originated from the Native Americans's mocassions. I learned there was an attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, but fail
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Monday is lets talk about our blogs and hopefully rake in 20 points day. Everyone went around the room and talked about the blogs they did, well I haven't talked about mine and I'm hoping I do but Mr. Bruns is talking about some Jody Foster perso. So
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Today is Tuesday, and yesterday was Labor Day and we did not have school. It was very nice to have a three day weekend. I think we should just start school the wednesday after labor day.In class today, I learned that shoes were first made from leathe
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Today we talked about our free choice blogs, found out some kid got kinnapped by his mom, some mediterrnian diet, some mine collapse in China 2 years ago, the history of the donut and how there where three diffrent possible inventors, the history of
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Today i learned that there is a diet that will make you lose weight and keep it off. Its called the mediterranean diet. It has fruit, nuts, fish, and olive oil. The shoe was invented in the 1800's. There was a mining acciedent about two years ago. It
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Today is Tuesday, yesterday was Labor Day so we had no school. Today we talked about our blogs that we did this last week. There were quite a few people who didn't do a free choice blog, but with the ones who did, I learned some interesting things. G
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Today in U.S. History we discussed what we wrote about for our free choice blogs. I learned that the first rubber soles in shoes developed in 1980. Before that they only used leather soles. I think that would be very, very uncomfortable.Another thing
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Today we went over our free choice blog. One of the free choice blogs that some one did was about two boys that killed their father and tried to burn down their house at age 12 and 13 and are now just getting out of jail for it. The were interviewed
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Posted by 4Brianna on September 8, 2009 at 12:38pm
In CWI today, we talked about what we are going to be doing the rest of the week. We talked about our free choice blog topics today and tomorrow we will talk about the torture allegations against the Bush administration. On Thursday we will take our
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Today in CWI, we talked about Obama's back-to-school speech. I guess we're gonna talk more about it tomorrow. After that we talked about our free choice web logs we did last week. I talked about the giant rat that was discovered in Papua New Guinea.
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Today in class we went over are free choice blogs. Mine was about a 14 year old girl who brought a gun on a school bus. We also learned about ukraine bombers, obama's speech, big rats, a girl that was raped and the guy had previous rape charges. Mr.
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Today was a disscusion day some of the things I learned was that they are trying to make libraries digital.Reserchers think that making the libraries digital would make it easier on students, but others think its not a good idea because of technical
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Posted by 5Fitz (: on September 8, 2009 at 10:43am
Today we are reviewing all of our free choice blogs, Shelbie gave us a good story about how these kids were charged as adults for killing there father and then burning the house down, and was just released. This happened in 2001. I on the other hand
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