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Blog Summarization for Tuesday

Today in Mr. Bruns class we had blog discussions over our free choice and assigned blogs. My free choice blog was about Calvino Inman who sheds bloody tears. It happens spontaneous; it can last up to a couple minutes to an hour, and it occurs several
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Obama's Speech--Assigned blog


Over all I thought it was a really encouraging speech. I believe African American students will try even harder because they now have a black president to look up to. I'm sure people will dissagree with a lot of Obama said during his speech and think
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Today, in class, we discussed our free choice blogs of the past weekend. I did the school speech from President Barack Obama that was broadcasted nationally, but how many people do not want it to be aired in their school, due to their political views
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Today was blog discussion. For free choice we had three people who did the giant rat. That's super disgusting. I would probably throw up all over the place if i saw a huge rat. Um.. some other stories I remember are people in Japan getting paid like
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Tuesday 8

Today I realized I did the wrong blog topic. I did a U.S. assassination, instead of a story about Torture tactics and such. Yeah, I need to be a little more attentive. Anyway, today I learned of the many torture tactics the U.S. uses. Such as waterbo
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Today brought back pain, rocking out to a song from Hercules (Best movie ever!), and embracing my inner Who.Actually, though all of that did happen, this is not the place to discuss it. Find me later if you are messed up enough to be truly interested
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Tuesday September 8, 2009

Today we went over what people did for their free-choice blogs. I can't list any specifically that I learned from. I was really just out of it all morning, er, all day too. So I guess you could say I didn't learn any thing at all. It was a BAD mornin
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Today we went over our free choice blogs. A couple people did the same thing, about the new rat species in New Guinea. Honestly, I don't like to think of giant rats, but it was a pretty cool thing to learn about. Then we talked about the assigned blo
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September 8, 2009.

Today in CWI we talked a little bit about the republic and democtratic systems at the begininng of class. Since it was Monday it was blog discussion day. We only got done talking about our free choice blogs today. Tomorrow we will talk about our assi
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Today in class we discussed our blogs and how there is only 7 blogs a week not12.
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Malcolm X Assasination

On Febuary 21, 1965 Malcolm X was giving a speech infront of the Organization of Afro-American Unity when a man shouted "N***** get your hand out of my pocket!" As Malcolm X and bodygaurds tried to calm the crowd a man rushed the stage and shot Malco
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Free choice blog discussion.Assassination blog discussion.Martin Luther King. JR.Robert Kennedy (bobby)\attorny general, under his brother, ran for senate. won the democratic party. gave a speach at a hotel in LA around midnight. had 3 body guards, a
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Today we did our blog talks.First we talked about our free choice blogs. A couple people did their free choice blog over a baby that was born with a heart on the outside of its body. It had to survive a 24 hour train ride to a bigger hospital than wh
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September 8, 2009

Today we talked about our free choice blogs and then the assissinations. Only acouple people had their blogs done.Martin Luther King Jr. was assissinated by James Earl Ray in 1968 when King was just 39. He said he had a dream about dying and told peo
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blog Day in history:First we talked about free choice blogs.Assassinations-Martin Luther King Jr. died at the age of 39, and was shot at a hotel by James Earl Ray. Pronounced dead at the scene, and Ray was convicted and taken to jail.Robert Kennedy-
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Tuesday 9/8/09

Martin Luther King Jr.- James Earl Ray killed him, on a balcony in Menphis at a hotel. MLK was very stressed and had the heart of a 60 year old from all the stress. He had a dream about being killed and then a few days later it happened.Regan- Very p
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