the waterboarding torture

Water boarding is a form of torture that the U.S.A uses. It is laying the victim on their back with their head pointing downwards. They are tied to a board and a cloth is put over their face. Then water is poured onto the cloth causing the victims breathing passages to be stopped. It gives them the idea that they are dieing or drowning.

This torture is to be used by legal experts such as politicians, war veterans,and medical experts and when torturing people the people that use it are intelligence officials, military judges, and human rights organizations. This torture makes the person want to gag. It causes extreme pain, damage lungs and brain.

It Can also cause broken bones from trying to get away. A scandel went down in 2007 saying that the CIA was using waterboarding and that the United States Department of Justice let them. They said they used to waterboarding to stop the attack on Los angeles.I believe that water boarding is very cruel and unusual punishment. The feeling of drowning would be terrible. I don't know how another human could do that to someone but i guess it is used for the right reasons.
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