Today we talked about our free choice blogs and then the assissinations. Only acouple people had their blogs done.Martin Luther King Jr. was assissinated by James Earl Ray in 1968 when King was just 39. He said he had a dream about dying and told people acouple days before his death.Robert Kennedy "Bobby" was giving a speech, when he was done he walked in the hotel to a different room. He got lost from his body guard and a hotel worker found him and was showing him the way. Sirhan Sirhan shot him three times. Was sentenced to death, but because of laws he's still alive in California.Mr. Bruns talked about the assissination attempt of Reagan. John Hinckley Jr. was charged and was taken to a mental hospital. He was fascinated by Jodie Foster, and stalked her. He followed her and tried to impress her by watching his favorite movie and shooting the President.