I watched the video of Obama's speech to students. This speech was mainly about students doing their best in school. It's important to try hard at everything you do, and never give up. He gave examples of situations in life that many people could have easily gave up and failed at life. When these people realized that they can do better then the effort they are putting forth, they changed their lives. It's important to go to school, get good grades, and graduate. No matter if you want to be a doctor, nurse, lawyer ect. you need a high school education to succeed.I thought that this was a very good speech to students. It was very interesting, and probably made an impact on many peoples outlook on this 2009-2010 school year. I believe that students will try harder to get good grades in school and not let anyone down.In my opinion, i didnt think that this was a harmful speech. It was definitely unnecessary for parents to pull their students from school when they school was showing this video. This speech was strictly towards students and their responsibilities towards their school work. There was nothing about politics, or anything that might be "inappropriate" in a public speech like this one.