9/9/09 (pretty trippy? i know right)

I'd like to start off this blog on a high note...Beatles rockband!Anywho..Today in C-Dub,The class learned what anarchy and some other type of government were. I'm pretty sure anarchy is when no one wants or can step up to be a political leader, and the country is basically chaos. I can not think of the other government though..Hmm? Then, We mainly talked about our torture blogs.I learned during waterboarding there is an incline where your feet are faced towards the air. I also learned that %90 of people held in Abu Ghraib were innocent. That's just horrible to know, Dick Cheney thinks he is so correct about the positive results on torturing. He must not realize that these people are most likely lying to the US just so they will not get tortued. I mean c'mon..i'd do it. Anyone else want to get tortured for being completely innocent?
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