As some of you may know, One Life To Live is a very popular soap. One very important actress on the set, Patricia Mauceri, who played the role of Carlotta Vega. Mauceri had been working and acting on One Life to Live for the past 14 years, "But when she objected to how the writers wanted her deeply religious character, a Latina mother, to handle a storyline involving homosexuality, she objected. And for that she claims she was fired."Mauceri shouldn't've been fired because of her religion. If she refused to take part in something against her religion, why should she be punished?Check out more on the link below.FOX NEWS

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  • i think its terrible that they could even think as to do such a thing. she is obviously a great woman and fantastic actress if shes been on the show fourteen years! they cannot or should not be aloud to take away what someone loves because they are truely dedicated to their religion and their beleifs for one scene. ihope they win at their court trial.
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