Monday - Test
In 1916 Ireland fought back against United Kingdom. The nothern part stayed apart of the United Kingdom. Lots were fighting because of religion. IRA were good to the Catholics but bad to the United Kingdom. United States were agreeing with the United Kingdom. United States was very Anti-Catholic at a time. Many women wore white to the State of Union Address to support the sufferaget movement. They also wore black pins for womens rights. The white stood for purity and non-vilance. They wore other colors that meant other things as well. Presidents that don't have the congress on their sides always say, "let's put aside our differences." It usually doesn't work. Kim, North Korea's leader, and Donald are going to meet in Vietnam soon.
A democratic governer from VIrginia is underfire after he was caught in blackface in his medical school yearbook. Trump says that the democrates are destroying Virginia because of it. Some are saying that this was normal back in the 80's in the south. Other say that it wasn't. People are trying to find anything to prove that he was involved with Russia. 97% of republicans liked his State of Union address 30% of democrates and 82% of independents liked it. The government will shutdown on Friday if the wall deal doesn't get settled. A "Green New Deal" is being made to hel the enviroment and jobs.
A man in The Netherlands says that he wants to identify as a 49 year old man even though he is 69 years old. He wanted to change it because of job opertunities and that he can't get a date on Tinder. Some say it's fine because it's like changing a gender but others say that you can't change your age. An Indian man is suing his parents for giving birth to him without consent. He is 27 years old. Both his parents are lawyers and his mother stated on Facebook that if he can find a way to prove that he didn't want to be born as a baby then she will see her faults. He believes that it is wrong to procreate and that life is meaningless. He has no hard feelings towards his parents he just doesn't see why he should force people through school or to get a job if they didn't even ask to live. His believe is very common in India with everyone thinking that raising a kid is bad. Anti-nadalism is what he believes. He thinks humans are suffering. The New Green Deal might become a thing. It's a bill that Orcasio-Cortez introduced. Republicans don't like it because they see it as Socialist but Democrates like it. Its supposed to create jobs, make us carbon free, and get us a 100% renewable energy system by 2035. Some say it's a radical plan.