Apr 15th - 17th

Measles outbreak is growing. It was for the most part wiped out but anti-vaxers are bringing it back. 90% of people will get it if exposed to it if oyu are not vaccinated. babies under 1 and people with cancer can't be vaccinated which is why everyone else gets vaccinated to protect those. Science says you should get it because there is a higher chance of you dying from not getting it than when you get it. If you get Polio it might get so bad that you will have to stay in an iron lung. THe last iron lung was made about half a centry ago. Polio might come back if people don't vaccinate their kids. It only takes one child to cause another epidemic. We've been to war with Afganistan for 18 years. 1.3 million lives have been lost as of March 2015. That involves more than just American deaths. We went to war in Afganistan because of 9/11. We invaded in October of 2001. Our purpose there in to take down Al Qaeda and the Taliban. We also want to turn them into a democracy. Within a couple months it seemed like the war was over but it kept going for long after that. It even went long after the death of Osama Bin Laden. Democrats think that we should focus on just Afganistan. We started pulling troops out in July 2011. The democrats have generally fine with the war. They never thought it was negative. Everyone support the war about for about a year after it started because of 9/11. Republicans started focusing on the war in Iraq. Because of that the Taliban and al-Qaeda begain to gain power. This is why Obama focused more on Afganistan. Trump is focusing on bombing where the Taliban makes money. They made a deal stating that we will pull our troops out of Afganistan if al-Qaeda stops training there. It doesn't say anything about the Taliban taking control of the government which is one of our worries. The last several years there have been less U.S. troops in Afganistan. When Obama was president it went up by a lot. 2018 had the most bombs set off in Afganistan. We are trying to take down their drug trades. We have spent over a trillion dollars on this war over the 18 years it's been going on. Lots of civilians have died because of this war. More than 20,000 have died. 

Notre Dame lit fire last night. Donald Trump suggested water tankers and people replied by saying it might cause the structure to collapse. Lots of art and relics were saved from the fire. Many rich French citizens are donating millions of dollors to help repair the cathedral. They said that they don't believe it was arsion. A new person is running for president and they are a republican. He is going against President Donald Trump. His name is Bill Weld. Obama wanted to focus on the Afgan war instead of the Iraq war. The first time in a long time that the country came together as Americans instead of just Democrats and Republicans. In 2003 Iraq became our main focus. As that happened the Taliban and al-Qaeda took back control. Trump wants to end the war but he also wants to win the war. Trump is letting the generals and people on the ground decide if they need more people. Trump is also not going to set dates on when we should have things done. Trump also doesn't let people know as much what's going on in the war so the enemy doesn't know what's coming. Trump has really bumped up bombing that area. Obama sent more troops over than bombs. We made a deal with them stating "The Taliban will not host any foreign terrorist groups in exchange for the withdrawal of US troops from Afganistan. The Taliban would also agree to a seasefire and start talks directly with the Afghan government."America lost 2,200 people due to battle deaths. 2018 has the highest death rate since 2009. Al-Qaeda did 9/11 because Osama Bin Laden didn't like America. This is because America ran commusism out of the area with the help of another group. That group then became the leaders of Afghanistan.  Those people then became the Taliban. 

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