Peace Mission
- Japan had sent a group to DC to negotiate peace deals while Pearl Harbor happened
- They stabbed us in the back
Why did pearl harbor happen
- When they took Vietnam we stopped trading oil
- Japan tried to ally with the USSR
- They needed US trade to be successful
- They tried to force us out of the war with the attack
- They thought it was a way to win through huge risk
- Instead, they only woke us up
- Attacked by Japan
- Douglas McArthur
Bataan Death March
- 65 Mile march
- 5 days
- 10,000 Filipino and 650 American POW's died from disease, maltreatment, and starvation
Doolittle's Raid
- We didn't have close islands to Japan
- Air Carriers couldn't carry bombers
- B25 lightened to launch
- 16 of them go from carrier to attack Japanese mainland
- Afterwards they were to land in Chinese China
- They were spotted so they launched early
- Not enough fuel
- Military hated idea
- It was about revenge for the American people
- Only 3 pilots die
- One is picked up by Chinese, died 5 days ago
- Gave us a morale boost
Island Hopping
- Strategy in S pacific
- We pushed from Solomon to New Guinea and the Phillipines
- Then we went through Gilbert Islands, Marshal Islands, Saipan, Guam, and then Phillipines/Japan