5/13/19 - 5/17/19


Fiddel Castro was the Cuban Dictator that was terrible to his people and basically allowed the US to take over the country economically.

Bay of Pigs Invasion- Failed. It was when the US sent Cuban troops to try and get rid of Castro. They refused to send in airforces so the world would think that it was a Cuban thing and that the US had nothing to do with it. After, Cuban's were angry and asked the Soviet Union for Nuclear weapons.

The US tried to assassinate Fidel Castro over 600 times.

80's - 

1980 Election - Ronald Reagan blows Jimmy Carter out of the water. He also bew Walter Mondale out of the water even moreso in 1984. George W. Bush blew Michael Dukakis out of the water. Republicans were doing well in these 80's elections.

John Kinckley Jr. tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan. Reagan was okay and even joked with the doctors saying, "I hope you aren't democrats". 3 other security gaurds were hurt and Reagan's approval rating climbed. John tried to impress Jodi Foster so he tried to assassinate the president.

The "Keating" Five- Chareles H Keating helped all these senetors get into office so he persuaded them to help him get some money when he was in a rough spot. They were accused of corruption and found guilty.

Rock Music was big in the 80's. Bon Jovi and Michael Jackson were big. Gangster Rap- Ice-T, NWA, Public Enemy

Movies- The Shining, ET, Indianna Jones, Ghost Busters, Back to the Future, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, and Batman.

TV Shows- Star Trek, Full House, and the Dukes of Hazzard



Enviornmental Racism- Lower class / african american people stuck next to dumps or trashy areas that rich white people would not have to deal with.

1986- Challenger explosion

1987- Second National March is held in Washington for LGBTQ Rights.

1989- Supreme Court decides that states have the right to make abortion illegal.

Women's fashion- shoulder pads, ruffles, big hair, sequin one shoulder dress HipHop - Salt-N-Pepa , Queen Latifah, Baggy Sillouettes, Bold Patterns. Punk- Studded leather jackets, ripped jeans, Heavy duty boots, Band T-Shirts. 80's workout- High rise body suits, neon leggings and bike shorts, headbands and Legwarmers.

Men's Fashion- Bold patterns and colors, dad jeans and a matching jean jacket, T-shirts / loose shirts, Bomber jackets, white sneakers, mulletts, etc. Short shorts, short sleeved shirts. Rock- Leather, Jewelry, headbands, Big hair. Preppy- bright colors, sweaters, slacks.

LGBTQ- End to military expulsion

"Working women speak out" - Sexual harrassment, equal opportunity. Sandra Day O-Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court.

Games- Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros. Galaga, and Tetris. Nintendo Entertainment System console was popular.

Boxing- Mohammad Ali was knocked out by Larry Holmes in his final fight before retirement. He was no longer considered "the greatest".



Dallas Cowboys and New York Yankees were popular. Basketball- Chicago Bulls (MJ). Mike Tyson bites his opponents ear off.

American's with disabilities Act- Passes in 1990 during George W. Bush's presidency. It made it illegal to discriminate against people because of their disabilities.

LA riots- in 1992 many riots sprung up in LA after decades of tension between the African American community and the LA police department. 

LGBT rights- In 1993, Clinton signed the military Policy which allowed judges to pursue harsher sentences if there was evidence of discrimination based on same-sex couples. Clinton signed the "Don't ask don't tell" bill which prohibits gay people from joining the military. Hawaiin judge states that states don't have the right to deprive same-sex couples of marriage.

Scandals- In 1995 Clinton and Lewinsky started a relationship.

George W Bush and Bill Clinton had assassination attempts placed on them. (both were bomb attempts and out of the country)\Music- Metallica, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Vanilla Ice, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, etc.

OJ Simpson Trial- NFL football player OJ Simpson was accused and tried for murdering his wife and her "friend/lover". Her ran to Chicago and was on the run. He was found not guilty. The court was mostly made up of black men and they rendered him not guilty as revenge for all the LA riots.


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Everyone was expecting Hillary to win, so it was a shock when Donald Trump won. He won all swing states and even turned some traditional blue states.

Deepwater Oil Spill- It was called the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and it is the largest oil spill in history. It was caused by an oil rig explosion in 2010. It killed numerous ecosystems and reefs. 

Osma Bin Laden was killed May 2, 2011. Navy SEALS killed him.

Aurora Theatre Shooting- Happened July 20, 2012. James Holmes used tear gass granades and a lot of guns. 12 people were killed and 70 more injured (58 of which shot)

Sandy Hook Shooting- Happened December 14, 2012 and Adam Lanza shot 20 kids between 6 and 7.

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