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John F Kennedy was a democrat that ran against Richard Nixon. Lyndon B. Johnson was a Democrat that ran against Barry M. Goldwater in 1964. Richard M. Nixon ran against Hubert H. Humphrey and a third party- George C. Wallace- in 1968. (George Wallace was the one pushing for segregation).

Assassanations- John F Kennedy was assassinated by Harvey Oswald on November 22nd 1963. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on April 4th 1968.

John F. Kennedy was taking part in a parade when he was shot twice, once in the neck and another through the head. Conspiracy theorists think he was shot by multiple people because the bullets were not damaged from hitting bone. There was only one camera that captured the moment.

Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby as he was being transferred to a prison for killing a police officer and the president.

Women's Fashion- It was the opposite of the 50's and was a lot more colorful and more shapeless. They wore turtle necks and other sweaters, button up blouses, pantyhoes, low heels and flats, tights, bootcut pants.

Men's fashion- Alot like the 50's but with tighter pants, pea coats, boots, hats, scarves, flared pants at the bottom. Longer hair came into style along with beards. The Beatles had mroe influence over fashion. The LGBTQ community began to stand up more and start the Gay movement. The term Transgender came about in the 60's. LGBTQ goals included decreasing homosexual acts as illegal. They also wanted equal treatment whatever your sexuality might be. Thei acheivments include- Right to publish gay magazines, the first employment discrimination case was won, constraints on police harrassment took place and media visibility.

Women Civil Rights- A decade of change for women. It demonized sexual harrassment at the work place and supported birth control for those who dont want to have a child. They pushed for equal pay, end domestic violence, end sexual harassment, reduce of severe limits on women in management jobs, and sharing th responsibility for housework and child rearing.



Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by James Earl Ray, a white supremisist who pleaded innocent for years.

Kennedy Nixon Debate- first televised presidential debate. John F Kennedy had an affair with a holleywood actresss star.

Civil Rights- 1960 - The Civil Rights Act became law, penalizing anyone who prevents another citizen registering to vote. 1961- The university of Georgia admits its first two african american students. 1962- Ernie Davis becomes the first african american athlete to win the instituitions Hisman Trophy. 1963- More than 200,000 people participate in the March of Washington protesting for civil rights and equality for all Americans. 1964- Malcolm X founds the organisation of Afro-American Unity in NYC. Civil Rights Act of 1964- Outlawed discrimination based on color, race, gender, religion, or nationality.

Sports- Boston Celtics won 9/10 NBA titles. The New York Yankees won two world series and participated in 3 more. Green Bay Packers were super bowl champions and dominated the 60's.

Movies- Romeo and Juliet, ChittyChittyBangBang, West Side Story, The Sound of Music, 101 Dalmations.

Music- The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Marvelettes, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, Elvis Presley, The Monkees. Record Players were very popular

TV shows- Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, The Andy Griffith Show.

Dances- The Twist, The Funky Chicken, and The Mushed Potato. 

Drag racing was illegal but popular.


No School



1968 election

Richard Nixon vs. Hubert Humphry vs. George Wallace.

George Wallace pushed for segregation

1972 election

Richard Nixon vs. George Mcgovern

People thought it was a rigged election considering Mcgovern only got one state. Richard Nixon also started a "Dirty tricks" campaign where people spread rumors on democrats about them being homosexual or having an affair etc. The last man standing was Mcgovern, who no one thought anyone would vote for.

Watergate scandal- Robbers got caught and were related to President Nixon. They tapped phones and took documents trying to find dirt on Democrats. Nixon later resigned because he was about to be impeached. We don't know if he helped with the breakin, but he tried to cover it up.

There was an assassination attempt on Nixon. A man tried to fly a plane into the white house but he crashed the plane before it could happen. Gerald Ford had two assassination attempts on him, both of which were women.

Top athletes- Walter Peyton (football) and Kareem Abdul Jabbar (basketball), Richard Petty (NASCAR), Nuhammad Ali (Boxer), Jack Nicklaus (Golf). Top Teams- Oakland Athletics and Pittsburgh Steelers.

First Battle of the Sexes (Tennis) took place. Bobby Riggs vs. Margaret Court played in a $10,000 winner takes all match in 1973.  Bobby beat her at first and then fired her up and raised the stakes to $100,000. Riggs lost to another women and said she was too good and too fast. Everyone rubbed it in his face.

Top movies- Jaws, Rocky, The Exorcist. Top TV- Sesame Street and the Brady Bunch. Top Music- Hotel California (The Eagles) Top Dances- Walk like an Egyptian

Women's rights- Feminism went mainstream in the 70's.



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