May 13th - 17th

Trump has placed even more tariff's on China. We are in a trade war with China causing things from China to cost more and for things in America to cost more in China. The tariff is going frm 10% to 25%. If you own an IPhone you can sue Apple because they are breaking laws of Monopoly. They aren't letting certain apps on their store and forcing you to only pick what they want you to buy. They don't allow third party apps. 

 There are some states wanting to overturn an abortion law. In Alabamia their senate passed a law that almost bans abortion. It just arrrests the doctor that does an abortion. The sentence could be up to 99 years in prison. People don't like abortion because they feel that it's white men opressing women and what they can do with their body. The other side thinks that it is killing. 

The top 26 billionaires own $1.4 trillion. That's as much as 3.8 billion other people. There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. In 1980 they had 3% of the worlds wealth but in 2011 they owned 12% of the worlds wealth. So the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. The rich make $421,926 per year before taxes are taken out. That's for millionaires. In 1928-1973 the income held by the top 1% declined because of the great depression and because of raised taxes for the rich. The taxes for the rich went from 90% to 32% making the gap bigger. The wealthy has most the power in our country. 

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