"Being a Donor is a very positive thing, to know once you pass you can save many lives. I do think it is scary it I were to have to go to the hospital for something life-threatening at a younger age up until later 50s, I would be scared that they…"
"I agree with you, NATO would be helpful to have if we have a war, extra help is always really important in such big things. We have a really good Military but it would be nice if we ran into to much trouble to have another country on our side to…"
"I agree that we have a good Military but I feel like if we were to get in a war it would be nice to have extra help if we were to need it, I also think that asking for more money but I think it may cause a fight if we ask for to much. "
"I beleive we should not leave NATO, to help ensure our safety as a country, and if we were to get in a war we would have other countries to help us, so i think it is still useful. I think we would be put at risk if we left NATO because other…"
"I completely agree with you because they were aware of all the accidents and didn't try hard enough to fix the flaws. I also agree that they should have slowed down the making of it, so they could put their passengers in a much safer position."
"I beleive Boeing should be sued, many lives were put in danger as they knew that they werent almost complete guarenteed a safe flight. Boeing was at fault because they have went through many faliures and didn't do enough to ensure a safer flight for…"
Open campus study halls are free periods where you can leave the school for a period and have free time. These study halls are typically given to seniors to have more opportunities to go home or get a mid day treat, but it also gives them…
"I think January 6th was a very intense and violent day, many people wer left injured, tramatized and some even dead. I completely disagree with Trups pardon to the people that participated in this act. Many people were very violent, and hurt the…"
"I agree with your opinions, I think that all babies should have a chance at life, because even though it is hard to raise a child, you often put yourself in this situaltion. I think abortion is wrong unless you have a completely valid reason. So…"
"I think abortions really depend on the situation, not all are bad. For example if your are teen and get pregnant because you werent being safe then I think you should step up and be responsible for your actions and take care of the baby or even grow…"
"I think Schools should be able to teach reliogion, but I should be optional because not everyone has the same beliefs, I personally would attend this class because I would like to keep close to God, because I always feel so good after church and…"
"even though I don't agree wit same sex marrige, I do not think it should be illegal. I believe that it was and always has been meant to be a male marrying a female, But we should not judge others and what or how they do things. I agree that people…"
"I agree with you whe you say "they could easily hack into your account". I don't think that it is very trustable to put everything into bitcoin, and I think it will go downhill. I also believe that is why it won't replace the dollar. I strongly…"
"I do not think bitcoin could replace money. Many use cash today still, and don't know what bitcoin is. As we all grow and develop more we will learn about bitcoin and maybe we will all turn to it as it grows more and more everyday. I believe bitcoin…"
"Having a job in highschool is a lot to hande, but I think it is good for students to have jobs in school. They can build confidence, leadership skills, and talking skills. A job also benifits you by earning money, that you can use on your likings or…"
"I also think that having a job can take away from school and family time. often atfer work you are very tired and have little to no motivation, and you want to sleep so you dont get your homework done or spend time with your family. A job can also…"
"I believe students should have an after school job because it is a learning opertunity to prepare you for the future. An after school job also helps you gain leadership skills, and responsibilities. It also teaches you how to use money in a…"