Mr Bruns 360 Message Board (5077)


In recent news the a new type of currency has come to light.  This new money system is entirely digital and is being accepted as actual money for goods.  Yes I'm sure you have heard of this amazing system it is non-other than the Bitcoin.  As of righ

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2 Replies · Reply by 4Jess Apr 5, 2013

April Fools

because of the grate day of April fools day. face book has stated that they will start charging a $2 users fee. twitter will also be charging a $5 fee for the use of vowels per month.                                            

i think that these are

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Free Guns

In recent news, a campaign in Arizona has promised to give out a free shot gun to people to protect themselves. This is all for the armed citizen project, their goal is to give guns to single women in crime infested neighborhoods.  It is planned that

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16 Replies · Reply by 2Michael Apr 4, 2013
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