Parenting: you're doing it wrong!

In New Zealand, a picture was taken of a baby left alone in the carseat with a note attached to the window. What does the note say? " My mum's in doing the shopping call her if I need anything" witha number at the bottom of the page. A couple found the child and took the picture and waited until a parent came and grabbed the baby. It is illegal to have a child under 14 alone in the car, but since no one filed a complaint police arent looking for the mom.

Story here.

What are your thought? I think this is completely ridiculus! You are a parent you should act like one! Sure not everyone is a perfect parent and everyone has different parenting styles, but leaving a child, an infant in the car by themselves is definitely a parenting no no!

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  • That parent should be charged! I'm glad at least someone had the right idea by finding the baby and staying til the parent came! Hopefully this doesn't happen anymore!

  • It seems like a terrible idea to leave the child alone there. I don't know why they didn't just take the baby with.

  • Why would somebody do this to an infant? I mean really it takes two seconds to get them out! If they can write a note they have enough time to take the baby with them into the store!!

  • I think people are stupid if they leave an infant in a car by itself. I would never do this to my child.

  • Oh my goodness! That is so horrible! Babies are so hopeless without a parent, that is so sad. If your going to be an awful parent... DON'T HAVE KIDS!

  • Someone this stupid should not be a parent! that is so irresponsible and anything could've happened to that baby! Everyone knows (or at least should know) that you never leave your kid alone in your car, even if you'll only be gone for a few minutes.

  • Why would you do that. Take them with you. It is well worth it a child is worth more then anything you can buy.

  • that is stupid you dont go and do that to your baby what if something woulda happened!

  • I think that is absolutely ridiculous! If your not going to take care of a child do not have one!

  • That's really stupid. Why would you leave your baby alone in a car? So many things could go wrong.. I feel sorry for the baby.

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