In recent news the a new type of currency has come to light. This new money system is entirely digital and is being accepted as actual money for goods. Yes I'm sure you have heard of this amazing system it is non-other than the Bitcoin. As of right now the Bitcoin is worth $100 dollars each, and if you don't want to buy a full bit coin you don't have to you can only buy a part of one. So far the government has not made any decisions on this new trend.
I think that it would really cool to buy a Bitcoin just to say you have one, and who knows this could become a thing of the future.
What are your views?
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I think our money system that we have right now is enough and that they are doing TO MUCH with electronics! Like go outside, take a neature walk, smell the trees, get out OF YOUR HOUSE and enjoy neature.
wow this confuses me.. why do we need a new money system. I feel like this would confuse everyone and we should no do this.!!!