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Week of September 17th to September 21st






Harappans- they were located in present day pakistan, lived by a river.

Havent found remains of the civilization, so there is not much known about them.


 Babylonians- its flat land with 2 rivers

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We did another presentation.

We also went over a power point that Mr. Bruns wanted to go over a little bit of it.

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9-17 to 9-21

17th - We contined to watch the entrepreneur video.

18th - We continued to watch the entrepreneur video and at the end of class went back to chapter 5 and watched some smaller videos about some notable people in the open range days.

19th -

5.1 - The Kan

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Monday - 


Tuesday - 

 Finish Presentation

Wednseday - 


Location - Indus River which is by Pakistan and Northwest India Floods destroyed the area of the Harappans

Economy - Products were cotton, wheat, and barley (Area was based off o

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8/ 17 - 21


Watched Video


Went through video notes. Rewatched/finished video and started part two. We watched a video in Hickock. In Kansas city, beef was a huge buisness. The Open Range / Cowboy era ended because demand for beef dropped as well as prices

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September 17-21

  • the grange encourages families to work together to promote the social, ecoomic and political well - being of farmers 
  • their was laws passed to fight back against railroad abuses 
  • wanted railroads and grain elevators to charge fair prices 

The Cowboy era

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Monday- We watched Men Who Built America episodes 1 and 2 

Tuesday- We Finished ep 2 and went over page one of the worksheet


The Open range-long drive-cowboy era ended rather quickly. Why?

The demand for beef and prices dropped 

Farmers and Sheepherders

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9/17- 9/21

Manday - Watched the secnound part of the First episode on The Men Who Built America

Tuesday - Watched the rest of the video and answered questions. Watched three small videos on duels. 

 - Omaha and Kansas City were Stockyards 

The open Range-Long Driv

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9/17 - 9/21

Monday - We continued to watch video for Men Who Made America. 

Tuesday - Went over questionare for video. Started taking more notes for chapter 5. 

 Wednesday - Finished back side of questionare for videos 1 and 2. Took notes over chapter 5. 


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September 17-21

Manday - Watched the secnound part of the First episode on The Men Who Built America

Tuesday - Finished the last 5 minutes of the First episode. And answered the first page of our questions for The Men Who Built America

 - Omaha and Kansas City were st

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9-17-9-21 Notes

Monday- Finished watching men who built america video

Tuesday- went over worksheet of men who built america

- The open range drive cowboy era end quickly why

-The demand for beef and prices dropped

More railrpads were built

Wednesday- We went over the men

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Monday- Watched The Men Who Built American Episdoe 1 

Tuesday- finished video and answered questions on the video 

Wednesday- Took notes over chapter 5 Notes

Thursday- Notes 

Friday- Video 


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9-17 - 9-21

Monday: Watch men who built america video 

Tuesday: Finish video and go over worksheet 


Why did the Open Range -Long Drive- Cowboy era end so quickly?

-the demand for beef fell and prices dropped

-farmers and sheepherders moved into the Great

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Were doing our presentations. Also taking note on them.

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phoenicians - king is the absolute ruler, he had lots of power but it was limited, the king was wealthy. they gave us the alphabet, they hated the persians.


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