
10/15/18-Today we finished up the group projects and talked about what we are doing next

Lack of Education

*Girls stay at home and boys attend school, it is a problem because people aren't getting enough education and girls will marry at a young age for money
*Its most affect in poor countries, Somalia has the least functioning system in the world. There are only 10% of children attending school
*Every year they are less women going to school, over 58 billion dollars has been donated to get kids education
*Many people have charity event to raise money for the children, Sub-sarhara Africa is the most affect by uneducation
*Over 12 millions girls are at risk if not recieving an education

10/16/18-Today we took the class quizz

10/17/18-Today we did group test

10/18/18-Today we finished the group tests

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