The rapid expansion of the U.S in the late 1800s and early 1900s was due to a massive influx of immigrants from everywhere. These immigrants moved from all places around the world. Angel and Ellis Island were immigrants would be transported to become U.S citizens. Ellis Island was used for more European immigrants and Angel Island was used for more Asian immigrants. The public did not generally like immigrants. They were hated because they would take people's jobs. Business owners would hire immigrants because they would work for less compared to the normal American worker. A massive increase of population devastated cities. Cities couldn't handle the massive increase in population. Many problems derived from this. Fires were common because of the poorly built buildings used to house people. Later they would replace these buildings and lower the risk of fires. Technology helped fix the issue of transportation. Cars slowly replaced horses. A garbage collection system was established to reduce the amount of trash in cities. It wasn't until the late 1800s that most cities would have a dedicated. As the country developed, more and more kids would be in schools instead of working at young ages. Boss Tweed was a very corrupt man. He would overprice taxpayers and would use the money to pay off people so that they would not investigate him. There was so much corruption in the government. Many politicians would be paid by the rich.
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