Today we talked about three topics from our eighth grade review. The three topics were The Jefferson Presidency, Jackson Presidency, and How the U.S. acquired land in the early 1800's.Jefferson Presidency- We talked about the Revolution of 1800, it was called this because this was the first time in our country that a new leader was elected. The election was actuaaly a tie between Jefferson and Burr, but Hamilton broke the tie and voted for Jefferson who was his enemy. He set up the Louis and Clark exhibition. The goals of this exhibition wa to befriend the Indians, find a water route to the Pacific, and keep a journal of scientific notes. His goals during his presidency were cut down taxes and the power of the government. He also wanted smaller militaries and established West Point.Jackson Presidency- Jackson was a very popular president beacuse he was a military leader and also from the Battle of New Orleans. He was a self made man and had a poor upbringing. He overruled congress in the debate over the Trail of Tears, and during the Nullification Crisis he told South Carolina that they could not nullfiy a law. The military would go to S.C. and enforce the law. His goals were to get rid of the National Bank and elctoral College System. Jackson also wanted to pay down the National debt.Acquiring Land in the 1800's- My topicI learned a lot that I did not know about the Jefferson and Jackson Presidencies today. I found out what their goals during their presidencies were, and also what the main things that they did during their time in office.