The health care system now does not require every American to have health care coverage. There is Medicare for the older population that is supported by the federal government, private health insurance you buy or get through work. There is also Medicaid for low income people that are supported by the state and there is the option of no insurance at all.There are 42.6 million people in the United States without health care insurance. Obama wants every American to have health care coverage. He wants it to be a self supporting plan that pays for itself without using tax money. Obama and his supporters want to reform health care to make a change for the better. He wants every American to be covered.Some people are against Obama’s health care plan. They feel that taxes will go up because the government will have to support this new health care system. They feel that this system will not be self supporting. In my opinion, health care reform is not much of a plan it’s more of ideas that have been shared on how to make the health care system better.