
We went over the south-eastern sates and their capitals once or twice and found out that we do NOT know them very well. Even though there are less of them than the bigger portion we've been going over, the capitals are a little tricky... After that we did a little more free choice blog review stuff, going around the room again.We had a discussion about torture facilities under Pres. Bush's administration...some really sad things happened that lots of people didn't know about. Except for the one where there were Iraqi p.o.w.'s being tortured that this American woman was making fun of in a picture on the news. Apparently her life was ruined after that. Duh. That tends to happen when a bad picture of you is all over the internet. But still, I do feel a little sorry for her, since she was just doing what she was told to do. Its really sick that people get paid to do those things to other people.
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