Friday, September 4th, 2009

In CWI today, we talked about the current unemployment rate (9.7%) compared to the unemployment rate a couple years ago (about 3.5-4%). This is the highest rate of unemployment in 26 years. We discussed how the housing market was a big player in the recession, and how it starts because people stop spending money. A good way to tell a recession is the profits of businesses. Very high and very low prices tell you if there's a recession.The last groups presented today, and I learned about anarchy and dictatorship. The other group presented capitalism, which is basically the opposite of socialism. Businesses are owned by individuals, not the gov't. They had a fantastic skit about Hy-Vee and Fareway and how there's competition between businesses in capitalism. After they presented, we talked a bit about libraries and how in the future there may not be hard copies of books. And then class ended.
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