
Today in Us History we talked about D-Day. It took place during World War II. The French charged the beach. The Germans surrendered about a year after the battle. We also reviewed the Obama speech on education. Ian picked out some controversial and controdictory things that Obama said. Obama said you can strive to be whatever you want, then went on to say that theres hardy a chance you will be a famous muscian or sports star. His story about his childhood made it sound like he was trying to get sympathy.We continued presentations. We discussed the Warren Comission. It went over JFK's plans which included meeting with Lyndon B. Johnson and then making a speech about new air force supplies in Houston. It also mentioned where Kennedy was at the time of his assassination. JFK and his wife were in the back of a limo behind the governer. There were secret service agents within the reach of Kennedy. Shots were heard by a school book factory. 3 shots were heard in succesion. It went over the tests and procedures JFK went through in order to save his life, which obviously failed. They found Oswald in the cafeteria with a Coke bottle.We then learned about Lee Harvey Oswald's life. When he was born, his father was already dead. Soon after his birth, he was put in a orphanage. He was sent to a detention center when he was 12. He joined the marine Corps in 1956 He scored 2 points above the minimum to be a sharp shooter. He was shipped out to Japan in 1957. He was married to a pharmacy worker, Marina Prusakova. When he carried in his guns before the assassination, he said they were curtain hangers. He hid the rifle on some boxes. Police officer Tippit was shot 4 times by Oswlad because he pulled Oswald over. 2 days after teh assassination, Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby because Ruby was angry about the assassination and he did it for Kennedy's wife. He died from cancer when he was being sentenced.
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