What did I learn today... I guess the one thing that really stuck out was the Paul Revere thing. Its was really stupid but it was pretty funny. Made more so by the fact that Tony thought it was hysterical when it really wasn't. Somebody else besides
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Posted by 5Nichole on September 14, 2009 at 4:16pm
Today in CWI we went over the Europe map and when that test will be.. I learned more about what happeded in Alantic. A girl told a teacher that she was missing $100, so the teacher had to watch them chang their clothes. I think that was really really
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Posted by 2courtneyb on September 14, 2009 at 4:02pm
Today in CWI Mr. Bruns told us that we are going to have a test over the states and capitals of Europe, but it won't be for a while. This week for my assigned blog topic I am going to do 9/11. After that we talked about our free choice blogs from las
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soooo today in current world issues we talked about going over the Europe map. I learned that Lichtenstein(or however you spell it) is a very small country in Europe. After that we talked about our assigned blog topic. I chose the topic 9/11. Then we
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Posted by 8Jessica on September 14, 2009 at 2:43pm
Free choice blogs discussions today.Obama speech to students.We talked about what we thought about the speech and if it was important. Obama explained how he thinks that students need to work hard in school and stay in school because we are the futur
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Today is blog discussion day in history. We discussed free choice blogs, and we then discussed Obama's speech to American students.Obama mostly told students to work hard in school, and not give up on school when it gets hard. He told students that s
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Today in class we did our free choice blogs. Everyone had them done. (: We talked about how to embed/ load videos to our page. We also talked about the Obama Speech. Over all, everyone thought it was a good speech. Some people thought it was a little
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Posted by 3AustinE on September 14, 2009 at 2:30pm
Today we did our blog talks. First we did free blogs and they were quite interesting. Some of the topics were an ancient synagoge found in Israel. The man who told Obama he lied and Osama bin Ladins latest tape. Another was a student who wrote a book
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It was on September 11th, 2001 2 planes crashed into the WTC(World Trade Center). The attacks were conducted by Al Qaeda using 19 terrorists and 4 passenger jets. The third jet crashed into the Pentagon while the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania. In al
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Today we did our blog talks.The main topic we talked about is Obama's speech to students. He told them to work hard and not give up when things get tough. Some people thought that the president coupld have been dealing with the healthcare issues inst
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Today we are going over our last free choice blogs. :( and also we are doing our obama blogs as well.Today i learned from Mr. Bruns that i have been doing my daily blogs wrong. I have been doing what we do in class, and ocassionally I mention what iv
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Tody in Cwi we talked about our free choice topic. I talked about the boy in India who lost his leg. I learned that Paul Revere rode into Boston, and knocked on each persons door to tell them that the British were coming. THat is about it, we just ha
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We discussed our web logs today. I talked about the riots going on in Kampala, Uganda. Mr. Bruns talked about a 12 year old girl in Yemen who was having surgery after giving birth! Another topic discussed was that one guy who heckled Obama while he w
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Today in U.S History I took my first oral test. It went alright, alot easier than I thought it would be. One of the topics I did now study very well was The Articles of Confederation. I did real bad on that part and it definitely didn't help with my
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Posted by 5Fitz (: on September 14, 2009 at 11:09am
Today we talked about our free topics, last one forever. I on the other hand didn't finish it, I will be going into the library 9th hour today to write that most likely so I can get the points for it today. We also learned that if a person does not c
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Posted by 5Shelbie on September 14, 2009 at 11:08am
Today in class everyone talked about Obama's speech to the students. We all had to same assigned blog. Mr. Bruns just had us each put one point in about it or what we like about it. I agreed with a lot of the speech but, there were some points in it
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We talked about free choice blogs. Shelby did the history of cross country it started in the 1900s. Andrea did the history of chocolate. It started 2000 years ago and the first chocolate was accidentaly found by making a drink. Nate did his on the wo
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Posted by 5Fitz (: on September 14, 2009 at 11:06am
Just looked up stuff about our project and messed with Zoho tried to get it to work. Luckily we have Nathan in our group and he knows what he's doing for the most part.
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Posted by 5Joseph on September 14, 2009 at 11:04am
Today i,learned thet there was another flight on 911 that wanted to hit the capital building called flight 93. We also talked about the obama speech which i thought was really neat because the stuff he said was motivating. We also talked about the fr
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Posted by 5Fitz (: on September 14, 2009 at 11:01am
Today we got to work in class with the computers and our group. I got stuck with how the new technology compared with the old technology with the JFK's assassination. Also learned that JFK had two children, both girls. And his wife was from the Sovie
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