Posted by 3AustinE on September 15, 2009 at 2:41pm
The first thing that we did today in class we talked about how we can get all of the points from the daily blog. I learned that all we have to do is summarize the class and write what we learned. Mr Bruns also showed us the assigned blog checklist. This is basically a rubric on how the big blogs are graded. Our blogs for this week is about 9-11, Al Queda, taliban, or Warin Afgahnistan. There is no free choice blog this week, but the big blog is worth twice as many points.We then moved on to plagarizing. Mr. Bruns talked about how we might copy and paste info and he can pick up on this very easily. I also learned that it is very easy to do this without trying.Next we went on to the Kennedy Powerpoint. The first picture was the Kennedys arriving in Dallas that morning. You can tell this by the pink dress the Mrs. Kennedy was wearing. He got to Love Field and then took the motorcade along the parade route. We saw the grassy knoll area along the route where there was said to be another shooter. The Warren Commision said that it was just echos. After the shots Jacqueline was trying to grab his brains and then climb out of the car. Agent Hill told her to get back in the car. Zapruder was the only person to get this on camera. He sold it for 150,000 dollars.Thats all we did today.