Vice President Lyndon Johnson- Only reason why JFK picked him was because he needed votes for texas, but they didn't see eye to eye on most things. He was only a car behind Kennedy, when they heard the shots Johnson was put on the ground to protect him.Kenndey- Parkland Hospital is were Kennedy went when he was shot. Nellie Connally was mad because they weren't really treating him well. The federal government wasn't supposed to take Kennedy because it wasn't a law. The hospital was supposed to to the autopsy and the Dallas Police should've done the investigation but the Secret Service took the body which is how many conspiraces came in because they thought they were trying to hide something.Johnson was swarn in on Air Force One. Then when they all got back to D.C. that day, Johnson told Bobby Kennedy that they had 24 hours to get everything out of the Oval Office for him. Later he gave them more time, but that shows how they Johnsons' and the Kennedys' don't get along.John John saluted his dad's cascet when it went by on the day of Kennedy's funeral, which was on John John's third birthday.-Breann Lehr