september sixteenth, two thousand nine

Today in class we talked about Breann, Kayley, and Nelson's Presentation. Although they went quite fast, this is what i learned.Presentation.JFK:Some evidence proved their was two gunman, but some of that evidence was rejectedThought killed him out of conspiracySecret service was not preparedSecret service wasnt prepared to protext JFK from snipersWarren Commision did not investigateCuban Theroiesexplained by Jack Andersonsaid that Cuban rightwing assassinated JFK because felt like they were sold outthought killed kennedy in retaliationweakest theorythought CIA was part of thatLot of Mafia in Cuba, said that that twas part of it.but later proved it was a not a group or CountryKGB involvment theorytheory that KGB agents killed kennedyRussians would have been embarrased by CUbian Missile Crisis, so they wanted to get back.HSCAHouse Select Commitee AssassinationNow we are going through Mr Brun's powerpoint,slideshow where we left off yesterday.
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  • i didnt really catch that part.
  • What did the HSCA talk about?
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