Monday: review over what we went over, treaty of Versailles, US never signed it, Wilson brought it back from France, Congress didn't like it because of League of nations it would pull us into war constantly, aimed at punishing Germany, Wilson had 14 points not targetting Germany, France called for Germany to never be a problem again and target them, Treaty took land from Germany, lost overseas colonies, this is the treaty after WWI, then Germany wanted land back, War Guilt Clause, Dolchstoss Theory, Weimar Republic
Tuesday: powerpoint, Hitler went to Vienna Austria, brother Edmund died in 1900, failed to get into academy of fine arts in Vienna 2 times, failed to pass examination to get into Austro-Hungarian army, moved to Munich-Germany military accepted him in 1914, hated Germany surrendered 1918 of WWI, French soldier Henry Tandy didn't shoot Hitler, after WWI Germany was in bad shape, spied on Germany Workers Party, Nationalist Socialist German Worker Party (Nazi), quits job and joins group, 1921 he declared himself leader of Nazi party, Beer Hall Putsch 1923-failed, Hitler Trial 1924, served 9 months was sentenced for 5 years, Hitler speech at trial, Mein Kampf book by Hitler wrote it in prison
Wednesday: powerpoint of the weapons, WWII powerpoint
Thursday: finished powerpoint, beer hall putsch, prison, gains attention, Mein Kampf, rebuild Germany military, France and Britain backed off to avoid war, Hitler took Austria, vote rigged, cartoon, Sudetenland crisis, Munich conference, cartoons, leading spokesperson against appeasement in Great Britain was Winston Churchill, later became prime minister, within year Hitler takes over all of Czechoslovakia, Czech president fled, Hacha took over, wanted face to face meeting with Hitler, Hacha goes to Germany and has meeting, Hitler tells him to sign his country over, Hacha had heart attack, Hacha signed after being brought back
Friday: powerpoint, Czech cartoons, short term goal treaty of Versailles, long term more Mein Kampf, racism, immigrants, blamed Jews for other people coming into the country, ethnic cleansing-forcefully move people out, wanted to destroy Jewish Bolsheviks- soviet communist, hated soviet union and communism, wanted to take down the soviet union biggest goal, Lebensraum-living space for the German people, wanted to take over eastern Europe, death camps mostly in the poles/Poland, like western Europe races a lil more because they had German blood, nobody would make a deal with him except the Russians/Soviet Union, signed a non aggression pact, Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, Great Britain and France didn't like Stalin so Stalin didn't like them and joined Hitler, secret agreement to invade and split Poland, Hitler had non-aggression pact with Poland