Should Schools Have Charging Stations in the Classroom?

Do you keep forgetting to charge your computer at home? Many students would enjoy having charging stations at school, However many teachers would not. There are many pros and cons to having computer chargers in the classroom environment. Who's side of this topic should schools support?

There are many pros to having computer chargers in the classroom environment. If there were chargers in the classroom environment then every student would have a charged computer. Also if there were chargers in a classroom environment students would not be required to charge their computers at home. Another reason having computer chargers in the classroom would be a good thing is that the school would have no need to give chargers out to students and then the school would not have to worry about students losing or breaking chargers as much.

However, There are also many cons to having computer chargers in the classroom environment. If there were chargers in the classroom environment then most students would be taking advantage of it and there would be so many chargers that people could trip over the chargers and get hurt. Also the amount of electricity it would take during the school day to charge everyone's computers would be immense and could cause electrical fires, power outages and massive electrical bills. Also it could make teachers only sit at their desks, for it would be hard to get across the classroom to help a student or teach face to face.

In my opinion, I think having chargers in the classroom would be a great idea. I am somebody who forgets to charge their computer at night and it would be very nice to see the school make some changes for those types of students. Also, since schools are very tech run, it would be a good change in my opinion as the world goes into technology more and more. I think that schools will eventually do this because schools will start to see students' grades drop just because they don't have a charged computer for the school day.

All in all, there are many pros and cons to having chargers and charging stations in classrooms. Many students would be happy with this change, although many teachers would not be happy with this change. Charging stations would be a very unique addition to the classroom environment, however, is this addition worth the effort?


Do you think having charging stations should be placed into classrooms?



Would you use a charging station if they were in the classroom?



How would this new addition help you?




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  • New topic and very well done T Harms!! #1!

  • I think that if we have charging stations in schools, kids will just assume they don't need to be responsible enough to remember to plug in their computers. It really isn't that hard to remember to plug in your computer every night, because you can just do it when you plug in your phone because no student forgets to plug in their phone.

  • It would be helpful for the kids who didn't charge their computers overnight. However, if we all would just plug our computers in as soon as we get home, we wouldn't have this issue. We have to take the price of the chargers into account too. We are already doing a crazy expensive remodel so chargers would just put more stress on the property tax payers of Shelby County.

  • I think all classrooms having a place in the room where a few students could charge their computers and still do school work for the class would be an improvement. Charging stations would ensure that no students would have to miss out on class just because their computer died. 

  • I personally believe that having chargers in the classroom would be helpfull but I do no think that we need them like if your phones dead then thats your fault for not plugging it in the night before but still it would be nice to have one.

  • I think that charging stations would help people who forget to charge their computers so they can do the work they are supposed to do. This would make it easier to get your computer charged and ready for class without borrowing someone else's charger.

  • yes, I think that we should have charging stations in classrooms just to charge our phones. it would be useful and would be getting used everyday 

  • While I don't think that it would be necessary to have these, charging stations for our computers or even our phones would probably benefit students academic levels or overall happiness while learning. I know Mrs. Nelson has a charging station by our phone pockets so you can charge your phones during class.

  • I think that is would be very beneficial to many students to have charging stations in classrooms. Some may argue that it is the students responsibility to plug their computer in at home, but we have all had the time when you forget to plug in you computer, and it dies, or comes close to dying. Charging stations in classrooms would eliminate that struggle.

  • I think it would be a nice thing to have because then you can charge your computer and then you don't always have to ask teachers to charge your computers it would just be more convenient.

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