We continued watching Patriot's Day today(35.49-1.16)
Patriot's Day Presentations:
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission…
We started watching Patriot's Day today(0.00-35.49)
Patriot's Day Presentations:
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission…
"Well done on a tough topic Joseph. I would have liked to have see if there have been many results of trasnsgender women winning a lot in women's sports and setting records. Is that a common thing that's happening? Also, how preveleant is this? How…"
The Patriot's Day Presentations continued today. Watch Patriot's Day.
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
The Patriot's Day Presentations started today and will continue tomorrow.
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips…
I assigned out the Patriot's Day Research Topics today. Presentations start tomorrow.
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
The All Quiet on the Western Front test was today. We had class discussion after.
Patriot's Day Research Topics
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations:
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30…
We continued watching All Quiet on the Western Front today(1:21-). Watch via Netflix.
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations:
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good…
"Good topic choice and summary Allyson! The issue is that this was posted four days late and you didn't reply to any student comments whihc is worth 30 points."
We continued watching All Quiet on the Western Front today(44.31-1:21). Watch via Netflix.
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations:
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good…
We continued watching All Quiet on the Western Front today(18.00-44.31). Watch via Netflix.
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations:
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good…
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations finished up today.
We started watching All Quiet on the Western Front today(0.00-18.00).
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good…
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations continued today.
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5.…
"Good topci choice and summary Ben! Be sure to include your sources next time. The issue is you didn't reoly to any student comments which is worth 30 points. Posted a bit late as well."
All Quiet on the Western Front presentations started today.
1 2 3 4 5
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5.…
The American Underdog Test was today(50 points). Watch American Underdog
All Quiet on the Western Front Research Topics
American Underdog presentations
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your…
"Great topic choice and summary Tyler. Two issues. You posted this five days late and you didn't replyu to any student comments which is worth 30 points."
"Great topic choice and well done overall. I would have liked to have seen what research says about year round school and it's positive and negative impact on students. Posted one day late."
We finished watching American Underdog(1.26.28-End)
We had class discussion over American Underdog(10 points).
The American Underdog Test is tomorrow(50 points).
American Underdog presentations
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points):…
We continued watching American Underdog(1.01.27-1.26.28)
American Underdog presentations
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
We continued watching American Underdog(23.48-1.01.27)
American Underdog presentations
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
We started watching American Underdog(0.00-23.48)
The American Underdog presentations finished up today.
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5.…
The American Underdog presentations continued today.
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
Fifteen Tips for a…
The American Underdog presentations started today.
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
Fifteen Tips for a…
I assigned out the American Underdog research topics and students had time to work on their presentations. Presentations start tomorrow.
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No…
This weeks topic is on abortion, specifically the abortion pill. In 1973, the US Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade, that women have the right to an abortion. Prior to this case, abortion laws were on a state by state basis. Then in 2022, the US…
The Harriet movie discussion was today(10 points).
I assigned out the American Underdog research topics today. Presentations start Tuesday.
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4.…
The Harriet test was today.
Watch Harriet
Harriet Research topics
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
Fifteen Tips…
We finished watching Harriet(1:26.17-end)
The harriet test will be tomorrow.
Harriet Research topics
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources…
We continued watching Harriet(48:16-1:26.17)
Harriet Research topics
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
We continued watching Harriet(12:56-48:16)
Harriet Research topics
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. 5. Sources
Parent Permission slips
Fifteen Tips…
"Great topci choice and well done Joseph! Be sure to include your sources next time. You c could have had more of an explanation of how healthcare works in the US and also discuss the controverisal Obamacare and how that works."
Student presentation finished up today over the Harriet Research topics.
We started watching Harriet(0.00-12:56)
1 2 3 4 5
Presentation expectations(30 Points): 1. Have good content. 2. Know your content. 3. Have good visuals. 4. No typos. …
I did get both of mine up there.
How do you do that??
I'm not sure why they all repeat because i only post them once.
What other two projects...?
Thank you, and you're welcome!
I'm sorta confused because I did all of the forum posts on Sunday night..
Haha, hilarious! ;)
I am ahead of you, Mr. Bruns. Better catch up!
Play smile by uncle kracker please
I tried to put my prezi here... wasnt sure if it worked or how to do it. and I thought i did to a daily blog everyday.