Why Dental Care is Important.
If you're looking at becoming a mother some day, you might want to take care of your teeth. If you have cavities, your child just might 'catch' them from you! LINK
Read more…If you're looking at becoming a mother some day, you might want to take care of your teeth. If you have cavities, your child just might 'catch' them from you! LINK
Read more…Do you think animals commit suicide? Richard O'Barry says they do. I don't think I've ever thought about it, but I can see it being very possible.
Nintendo announced Tuesday it will introduce a handheld console that plays games in 3-D without the use of special glasses. The device called the 3DS. http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/03/23/nintendo.3d/index.html?hpt=Mid
Read more…Ok so the chef and nutritionist Jamie Oliver has this new show that comes out on saturday about a town in west virginia that is one of the most unhealthy towns in the u.s. His goal was to try and give them healthier eating habits. Citizens in this
Read more…Saying commands to your cars and phones can be pretty handy. Soon, you'll be able to talk into your phone what you want to post on twitter! You may say voice commands are old news, but talking just might be the new texting!
It will become official tonight at the board meeting. Be sure to congratulate him!
I was listening to 89.7 the river on the way to school the other day and heard an interesting story about a girl who was in a bar, and got shot in the side, the fat slowed the bullet and she didn't get injured other than the hole left from the bullet
Read more…This sounds like a scene out of Oceans 13 with george clooney. A group of robbers tunneled into a peresian bank and cracked more than 200 safe deposit boxes. A interesting story check it out here- http://in.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idIN
Read more…Josephine Belasco has finally got her high school diploma! 80 years ago Josie dropped out of school at Galileo High. She thought it was more important, at the time, to take care of her family rather than completing high school. Through out the years,
Read more…Last Wednesday, 2 child care workers at a daycare in Ohio got charged with putting over the counter sleeping pills into candy that the children ate. The women said they just wanted to get the kids to sleep better. They didn't have permission to do th
Read more…A 12-year-old girl that lives in Marysville, Washington found a video camera hidden in her bathroom trash can. The camera was positoned so that it could see perfectly into her shower. It belonged to a guy that lives in her house. He was a well truste
Read more…Our football rings are finally coming on the 23rd !!
-What kind did you get?
-Where do you want to wear it first ?
Read more…I am glad that this guy is going to jail he really deserves to go
What do you think?
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this is the slogan for the new movie 'Kick-Ass' that is coming out in April. it seems to me that it is kind of an inappropriate title and slogan. it gives children free reign to cuss more. what do you guys think?