I know we hear about these kinds of stories a lot.  I think it's sad thought, that it happens so often.


What do you think should happen to the students who were envolved with the bullying?

What about the teachers and administration that knew about it but still didn't do anything?



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  • that's so sad. i just wish that people could make nice comments to people.
  • I heard about htis last night at church.
  • That is terrible. I think that the kids should get really bad trouble
    I think that the teachers should get in trouble for not doing anything but knowing
  • I'm sorry April, but the way you worded the title of this makes it sounds like great she finally killed herself and I laughed. But the story is terrible.
  • That is terrible! Every one of those scumbags should be locked up. She looked like a nice girl. I don't know how they could think that they could justify the abuse of that poor girl.
  • I think that is so sad. Why can't people just keep their mouths shut?..
  • Anyone that knew about it or was involved in any bullying should really be held accountable for it if something bad happens to the victim. People who knew but didn't lift a finger to help should be charged and anyone involved in bullying another person should be sentenced to some kind of confinement.
  • wow bullying should just be murder, i mean jesus ha so many people kill themselves from it.
  • SAD! ): wow, and so young. Sad way to go..
  • thats really a sad story...e.l.e....thats all i gotta say
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