Cops in new york today working in the subways were armed to the teeth in body armour and M-16 assault rifles. The cops startled many morning NYC subway riders. The upscale in security was because of a suicide bomber in the russian subways earlier this month. Is this overkill what do you think.

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  • i think its good that they are being cautions but i would be scared
  • people should not take saftey for granted........atleast they are looking out for people and no it is an overkill
  • i think that if it happend some where else that it could happen any where. so i dont think that this is a overkill. its just the safty of other people.
  • The subway systems are a good place for terrorist to attack. I don't think this is pushing it at all.
  • yea i think it would be kinda scary if i walked into the subway and there were security guards all covered in armor.
  • i dont think it is, and i dont know why those people would be complaining
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