The night when the helth care bill was passed, Doug Ulman, president of the Lance Armstrong Foundadtion (LiveStrong.. some of you might wear the bracelet/merchandice like I do), tweeted the news along with a link to this article he typed up. I think it's actually touching to read and you can understand how this is affecting cancer survivors, and many others, in a good way. The key thing we need to remember about all this is right at the very end of his article. "Is it perfect? No. Is it progress? Yes."


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  • i really think it's just stupid. it's telling people that it's okay to not do anything with yourself until you turn like 26. who's gonna wanna work or actually do something when it's no different if you're not. ihgjkhdfkghlk, whatever.
  • i do think that it will be good to some people but it will just allow some kids to be lazy just like they are now but for longer
  • what was so bad about health care before this
  • well i guess thats rediculous. it gives kids the right to be lazy until they are 26.
  • it sure isnt progress either!!! all its doing is giving teens the excuse to have sex cuz then they know if they get pregnant they can just have an abortion and it wont cost them a thing!!!! i dont call that progress....
    • It's not giving them an excuse to have sex. Under this bill you can't even use the money to get an abortion, you have to come up with it yourself. It is progress though because it's letting people who can't afford medical attention to get it, and people who have pre-existing conditions to be covered. I don't know if you're in any of those boats, but I am.
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