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Mcdonalds' hot chocolate is hazardous
this woman is suing micky dees because her daughter got "severely" burned by hot chocolate! READ THE WHOLE STORY:
Read more…crazy lady throws away a cat.
in england, a lady decided it'd be funny to throw her neighbor's cat into the garbage bin. she was trapped for approximately 15 hours. the full story? found here.
Read more…HCHS XC!
Who likes to run? I dont believe many do, but running is the best thing you can do for your body! Running relaxes you, relieves stress, makes you emotionally happier, speeds up your metabolism, gains muscle, and decreases any signs of depression. In
Read more…Where'd Van Gogh Go??
This saturday a $56 million painting by Van Gogh was stolen from the Mahmoud Kalil Museum in Cairo. Earlier that week the local paper had reported that the museum's security systems were down. What makes this heist even more astounding is the fact
Read more…Don't sit on chinese benches.
We all know China is a new kind of overpopulated. You know, the big city lots of people. Teeming with people really. And of course on weekends, they all want to sit in the parks and enjoy themselves. But oh no you don't, a million other people their
Read more…4 days, 200 women
In a matter of 4 days, over 200 women and some little boys were gang raped near the eastern Congo, stated several peacekeepers and American Aids.
The attacks began on July 30th, after the rebels ended their brutal spree of looting, raping, they stopp
The popular cross between the lion and the tiger is a reality!
A Couple of Items-Please Read!
1. Please only make one blog per week. I see that some CWI students did five blogs for each one of their top five current events of the summer. Please put all of the info in one blog.
2. Be sure to have two pictures in each assigned blog entry!
13, 13, 13....
A 13-year-old boy was struck by lightning at excactly 13:13, military time so 1:13, on Friday the 13th.
Daylight Savings Time Can be Hazardous to Your Health!
A Swedish study found that during the first 3 work days after daylight savings time, the number of heart attacks nearly double. The first few weeks of daylight sanings time also sees more suicides and traffic accidents. It can also have negative effe
Read more…Don't mess with Iran
Iran has recently revealed a unmanned bomber plane to be used for defense and deterrance purposes. We better steer clear.
Read more…Ninja Warriors Chase Off Muggers
3 muggers in Australia, love Australia, were in the wrong spot at the wrong time....
Semi, truck, and two buses crash.
On August 5th, 2010, at about 10:15 a.m. a crash happened on Interstate 44. A semi slowed down while approaching a construction zone. The pickup truck wasn't paying attention and crashed into the back of the semi's trailer. A couple of seconds later
Read more…Bee Siege
Sheriff's Deputy, Brandon Jenkins, had been called out after a lorry, type of truck, broke down new Raleigh, North Carolina. The lorry had been pulling a trailer loaded with 60 boxes of bees-and the vicious little buggers had escaped.
X-rays of flowers
I found some x-rays of flowers and thought they were pretty cool so I decided to share them :)
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73 year old drives through Pizza Hut!!! Literally!!!
This lady pretty much proves how elderly drivers shouldnt be allowed behind the wheel.
When attempting to park in front of a Pizza Hut in Houston, A 73 year old lady "accidently" pressed the gas instead of the brake, causing her car to go straight thr
Read more…Ex-cop Kills 8 in Manilla
An ex cop took a bus full of hostages yesterday in an attempt to make his precinct give him his job back. Eventually the police killed the hijacker but not before he had shot and killed 8 of his hostages. To read the full story click here.
Read more…Blog Assignment #2
CWI: Current event free choice. Choose a recent current event to blog about.
USH. You will be assigned a topic from a Chapter section that was not assigned for the Ch. 5-8 project.