
  • thats really ironic and kinda funny. he was really stupid
  • I think he might be going into the wrong profession:)
  • if you are doing stuff illegal than you really shouldnt be a cop ha
  • thats ironic. the things people do sometimes....
  • haha. good cop this guy would be!!! he would confisicate your drug and load a bowl as he is driving away from the scene111
  • He was just dealin it not smoking it. So he's in it just for the money to get into the school.
  • Hahahahaha. I laugh at this man. That's funny.
  • Bahahaha! This is funny but why would you EVER sell marijuana to pay for something like that! Marijuana is terrible for you too! Wow!
  • thats irony right there lol
  • I guess people will do anything to become a cop?! It makes me wonder how many of the US cops break the laws when they are supposed to be enforcing them!
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