A monkey adopts a kitten!



^take a look


In Bali Indonesia a group of Macague monkeys were spotted with a little orange cat. The monkesy seem to take it in as there own. Very unusual and kinda cute. 

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  • Oh my gosh, how cute!! I love hearing about animals adopting other 'out of the ordinary' animals. Monkeys adopting cats are some of the cutest :)
  • we must breed these and create a ultra mega race of monkey cats, just a step behind LASER CATS
  • aw that would be so cute monkeys an a cat together
  • AWWWWWW! monkeys taking in a baby kitten. that is about the cutest thing ive ever heard! i think its funny how animals can take one another in and except eachother even if there not the same animal. kinda makes me wish people would do the same thing.
  • that is adorable. monkeys are my faveorite animal, and i love my kitty. lol. its so amazing how animals can adapt to one another.
  • awww!!! thats so cute!! monkeys owning a cat!! thats definatly cool!! i wonder if the cat will teach the monkeys to meow and the monkeys teach the cat to eat bananas!!
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