
  • What kind of person would kill people because of their race. That is just not right.
  • The fact that he killed a kid and an old man makes it even worse.
  • that is so dumb i don't understand how you can hate someone so much just by their skin color to kill them
  • Holy crap man why would this guy wana do this? does he expect to live? ha jeez i can garntee blacks will make sure he feels welcome.
  • dang that man is crazy an wrong stabbing is not ok
  • just cause people are different doesnt mean you should kill them, this is a messed up world
  • This is terribly ironic. I just did a blog about discrimination and prejudice against blacks. It's so sad to see that it still exists in our society today. It's no wonder our country is such a mess, simply because we can't get along. I'm sure a lot of people thought having a black president would make things better, but it only made the racists even angrier.
  • ya thats pry not the smartest thing to do
  • wow thats messed
  • so sad. hatred over the color of someones skin? rediculous. I hope they catch this guy, ASAP!!!!!!!
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