Was the Moon Lading fake?

The moon landing was an essential part of the Space Race. We had finally got ahead of Russia and had claimed first in the race. Many Americans in 1969 were watching the moon landing. How could the U.S. fake a moon landing? It was televised and astronauts brought back moon rocks and photos they had taken many pictures. Still, some people believe the moon landing is fake.


One argument is that there are no stars in the pictures the Apollo 11 crew took. In the pictures, you wouldn’t have the effect of the light pollution and foggy atmosphere from Earth, so many people believed there should be plenty of stars. However, this argument relies heavily on the photos taken during the lunar phase. This would mean that sunlight illuminating the moon would overpower starlight.


The most convincing theory according to people is that if the moon landing was real, then the astronauts would have been fried by radiation. There are two belts surrounding Earth made up of highly energetic charged particles from solar wind. These are called the Van Allen belts. Some people believe that humans cannot withstand being exposed to such high levels of radiation. The belts were a big worry for the Apollo mission. Scientists had to work very hard to make adequate protection for the astronauts. Many people believe that no one could survive going through the Van Allen belts, hence, this theory.   


In my opinion, the moon landing was 100% real. I don’t think that it is possible to fake such a huge thing. There are 8,400 public photos and many thousands of hours of footage from the mission. There are also full transcripts and audio recordings of air-to-ground conversations. Not to mention the 382 kilograms of moon rock that was brought back by the Apollo astronauts. The rocks have been tested and verified independently as lunar by labs from all over the world.




  1. Do you think that the moon landing was fake? Explain your answer
  2. What conspiracy theory do you think is most credible?

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  • Do you think that the moon landing was fake? no I feel that this would be somthing imposibel to fake pepole saw them get in the spaceship spaceship take off. foe that reason i think its real. now also the pictures look fake and also who would have taken the pictures since batteryes would be dead.

  • I believe the moon landing was real. The idea that it was fake doesn’t hold up against all the facts we have, and there is no way the truth wouldn’t be out by now if it was fake.

  • I think that the moon landing was real, I think this because I would hope that no one would even think about lying when something is this big of a deal. Allthough the picture does not look 100% real, I would hope that there is not lying.

    • I agree with you, I don't think they could lie about something as big as a moon landing.

  • Yes, I think the moon landing was real. However, looking at some of the recordings and evidence they recorded some of it can look fake or not real. Since it was such a big accomplishment in US history I think that it wouldve been too complicated to be faked.

  • I believe that the landing was real. There is evidence, videos, pictures. If you see what NASA can accomplish today, I don't think there was any way of faking it. It could be very possible but It aslso would be very hard to stage such a historic event.

    • I agree with you, there is so much evidence for how it was real.

  • mabey, the reason why i think this is becuase when they planted the flag, the flag was moving, and waving, and in space there is no air, so the flag should not be able to move.

  • I dont really think the moon landing was real because in the moon landing pictures the boot was so small and he had pretty big feet for a man and plus the only reason we wanted to go to the moon was so we could beat russa their.

    • You have a lot of good points. I never would have thought about shoe size.

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