Should vaccines be mandatory?

Vaccines have been around for a long time. The first vaccine was invented in 1796 to combat smallpox. Since then, many other vaccines have been developed. In 1855, Massachusetts became the first state to require vaccination before enrolling in school. Since then, many other states have created similar laws, especially for children attending school. Today, all states mandate immunizations for children to enroll in public school. However, some families are against this requirement.

There are various reasons why some people are against vaccination. The most common reason is religious beliefs, which can lead the government to give exceptions. Others refuse vaccines due to personal or philosophical reasons, such as believing that natural immunity is preferable or being concerned about putting chemicals into their children’s bodies. Safety concerns also contribute to vaccine hesitancy. Some people are influenced by media or social media reports about potential side effects, leading them to believe that vaccines may do more harm than good.

On the other side, many people believe vaccines should be mandatory. Vaccines play arn essential role in public health by not only preventing illness in individuals but also stopping the spread of viruses and avoiding epidemics. They are one of the most important advancements in health, and without them, significant health crises could have happened. This is why many support making vaccination mandatory.

In my opinion, vaccines are essential for maintaining good health, but I don’t think they should be mandatory. People should have the freedom to choose what they put into their bodies. However, vaccines should be strongly recommended, and those opposed to them should have access to educational courses about vaccines to make informed decisions about their children’s health.


Do you think vaccines should be mandatory?

Do you think vaccines are important?

Do you think children should be vaccinated before attending school?

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  • i belive that vaccienes should be mandatory due to the fact that covid cases are arousing and many people are getting sick, without the vacciences the disease may be deemed uncurable and can also sometimes lead to death

    • I agree with you that people should get vaccinated because it avoids disasters. Because if the covid vaccine was invented before there would have been less deaths and cases than they were. Now as you said there are more cases so the people that are not vaccinated or the people that need a reminder should get it

  • I think some vaccines should be manitdtory because what is there is a worse covid virus that could possibly kill billions of people I think they should make everyone take it. If the vaccination alcrually cures the diesese then yes vaccines are important. I think people shouln't have to be but should be recomended too get something before school

  • I think people have the right to choose whether they get vaccines or not. Some could get very ill from putting those chemicals into our bodies, but in some cases I think vaccines should be enforced so that others around us don't get sick from us spreading it to them.

  • I don't think that vaccinces should be mandatory because some people might not want them or don't need them. People can get sick from many different things they put in the vaccinces. I think vaccinces are inportant because they can help prevent us from getting sick or help us cure our sickness. I don't think children should get vaccines before attending school every year. I think that they should get vaccinces before attending school every so many years. 

    • Yes I also think that children should only get vaccines before school when it is necessary because you do not need to get vaccinated every year sometimes you only need it every five years. 

  • I think that they should mandatory.  There are pros to it like, Ensuring vacination rates. Because with such a large population if we have a lot of percentage vaccinated, it significantly reduces the chances of spreading diseases. Having these mandatory programs have been really successful in getting rid of, or decreasing several diseases. There have been diseases that have been gone due to having global vaccination campaigns. But there are some drawbacks to it like having concerns of personal freedom and trust issues if we don't like listening to the government and don't believe that vaccines help. Ultimately I think that they should be mandatory due to having pros and the only cons are concerns of medicine not working or personal trust. 

    • I completely agree with your answer because states having a large amount of diseases could cause a pandemic and could spread all throughout, so I think vaccines should be mandatory to everyone to reduce spreading of disease. I also agree with that the only cons there are is the concerns with the vaccines, what are some cons about vaccination, personally i don't think there is a problem with them.

  • No, I do not think that vaccines should be mandatory, because we shouldn't be forced to put chemical into our bodies. Looking at the big picture, I do think some vaccines are important as they have prevented a lot of nation wide sickness. 

    • Yes, I agree with you that vaccines should not be mandatory. I agree that some vaccinations are important and worth getting the shot. However, it should be your own choice if you want to put those chemicals into your body.

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