Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that employers are required to pay for their workers. It was first established in the United States with the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA, of 1938. Back then, the minimum wage was just 25 cents an hour. This law was created during the Great Depression to help protect workers from being paid too little and to stabilize the economy.

Since then, the minimum wage has been updated several times to match changes in the cost of living. People still debate whether it is enough to cover basic expenses and whether raising it might lead to job losses or other economic problems. Even with these debates, the minimum wage is an important part of labor laws and aims to ensure fair pay for all workers.

My opinion on minimum wage is that it was a good thing to have at the time that it was passed. I also think it should have been raised by now with all of the inflation that has accrued in the past few years. I feel like it should be raised to at least 10 dollars up to even 15 dollars because 7.25 isn’t going to buy you much of anything.


What do you think about the current minimum wage amount?


What do you think it should be set at?

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  • Great topic choice Jacob and wewll done overall! I do think you could have expanded a bit more with your summary and also be sure to go back in on Thursday and reply to people.

  • I also agree with you, I think that if the current mimimum wage is $7.25, then you won't be able to get all the necessites that you need in your every day bases, I think they should raise it to atleast $10 or $12, to use for health care, food, and  your day to day necessites,.

  • I think thats the minimum wage should be at a higher payment because people won't work if the wage is low. People would not work for a job that is paying you such a low amount, and that hurts businesses. Another reason why the wage should be higher because people need money in order to survive, they also need money to buy food, water, clothes, and especially shelter.  

  • Many states are paying more than this amount but minimum wage earners continue to struggle to make ends meet. The federal minimum wage hasn't kept up with the cost of living in more than half a century at $7.25 per hour.This applies both to the way you structure the document and how you express individual requirements.

  • I agrre minumum wage should be raised. the main reason I think this is that prices have been rising and if the prices are rising i feel minumum wage should also so that pepole can live comftorbley. 

  • I agree with you that the current minimum wage should be raised, because prices having been increasing and I feel that $7.25 can't cover necessities. I think that the current minimum wage shoulde be raised to at least $12 an hour. I think $12 because that adds on about 5 dollars which could go toward needs like groceries and rent or house payments. 

  • In my opinion, the minimum wage we have now could be better, but if it was raised dramatically then prices of other things would be raised as well. Since we are dealing with inflation, many people are going to struggle to afford their needs. If minimum wage was raised by even a few dollars, it would help tons of people out of poverty. 

  • I think the current wage isnt too bad but it would help a lot if it went up around $7-$10 dollars. If it were raised it would help people better support themselves. Also, with prices going up so vastly its harder for people with minimum wage to afford certain things. Your everyday basic items are becoming more and more so I think that minimum wage should be raised. 

  • What do you think about the current minimum wage amount? In my opinion the current Iowa minimum wage of $7.25 p/hour is about half of what it should be. The Iowa minimum wage was set to be best for people in the 2000s, but as the years go on everything has gotten much more expensive.  Therefor it's only right that people get a liveable wage.

  • I think that the current minimum wage amount is good because if they move the minimum wage up then they will move inflation up. That but I think that they could move it up just a couple of dollars because the prices are already so high I think that a couple of dollars higher won't matter too much.

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