Mask Mandates in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It is without a doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic was one of the worst things to happen in recent United States history. First, let's look at some of the facts and statistics regarding the 2020 Covid pandemic. According to the CDC, in the United States alone there have been more than 100 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, this doesn’t include the unconfirmed cases, because many people refused to get tested. There were more than 1 million confirmed deaths due to COVID-19 also according to the CDC. This shows that the COVID pandemic could’ve been handled way better than it was. 

But who is really at fault for the mass breakout of COVID in the United States and what did our elected officials do to prevent the spread? The CDC were the ones to recommend guidelines and mandates for COVID, however governors, mayors, and public health officials were the ones that made them mandatory. Dr. Anthony Fauci, as part of the white house coronavirus task force, advocated for mask use as a critical public health measure. However many Americans were outraged to find out there were mask mandates set in place, and they questioned Dr. Fauci’s authority and reliability. One of the biggest arguments against the mask mandates was that some people struggled to breathe with masks on and stated that masks didn’t even work. This however was proven to be false, studies by John Hopkins University showed that the use of masks in public spaces and poorly ventilated space, helped to prevent the spread.


Question: If you had the power to make any law to help stop the spread of COVID, what would you put in place?


Question: Do you believe that masks were a key source to preventing the spread of COVID-19?


Question: Was Dr. Fauci right for setting mask mandates?





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  •  Do you believe that masks were a key source to preventing the spread of COVID-19? I feel like it might have slowed covid down but the reason it seemed like less pepole were getting sick is because i fell like it really dose help provent the flu but it only dose this if pepole dont were them under there nose like most pepole did.

  • I feel like the masks definitly slowed it down but I don't know if it helped all of the way. I think when someone gets covid that they just quarantined for at least two weeks so it doesn't spread as easily. I think Dr. Fauchi was right about sending masks because it helped a little bit but not all of the way.

  • I think that masks helped the spread of Covid-19 slow down by preventing germs. Some people did not want to use masks, but looking at it differently it might not be a bad thing. If more people stay home and refuse to go places where masks are required, then less people are out getting eachother sick.

  • I think that masks definitly helped prevent the spread of covid-19. Even though not a lot of people liked them and didnt like to wear them. They helped beneficially with the dieseas. They are definitly uncomfortable but if they were mandatory then it would prevent it.

  • Things that could help the spread is to wear mask, if you feel sick stay home, use hand sanitizer and wash your hands. It will help the slow not nesessarily stop you from getting covid. You could also get vaccines to help. But we don't need to go back to remote learning but if you have covid staying home until you feel better is a option you should take.

  • I think that mask totally helped with the spread of COVID. I think that if they are mantorry people should where them, I definitely think that some can be uncomfy but they could potentially save your lives and others. 

  • wear masks, make the vaccine a requirement, continue with remote schooling, bacily everything thath happend in 2020, technaly, it should still be happining today, yes, they were sientificaly prooven to stop stop the spread, the only reason why people stoped wearing them was becuase they were being ignorant and refusing to listen to the higher ups.

  • I think that masks were just manatory but they may have help preventing more cases of covid. The masks helped by others not coffing or sneezing on people which is the main source of spreading germs. Also, I think that the docter was right but also I have some doubts.

  • In my persinal opinion i dont think the masks were helping anything because it made people with athma have to use their enhaler because it deprived them of oxygen and it just kept all the germs on your face because under the mask your breth is worm and germs like warm places.

  • I do believe that masks were a key source preventing COVID.  They helped reduce the spread by reducing transmission when people talk beacuse that is what there made for. They also help with providing a barrier that helps reduce the risk of inhaling harmful substances. There has been enough evidence so safely say that masks help and were a key source helping prevent COVID. 

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