Climate Change and Its Effects on Severe Weather Patterns.

Climate change is a very real, and imperative issue in our modern day world. Global temperatures have risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past three decades, which is a significantly shorter amount of time than it used to take. Due to the sheer volume of the world’s oceans, it takes a colossal amount of energy to warm them, even if only by a small amount. As such, the small increment of two degrees may seem small, but it has a tremendous impact on our planet.

 Climate change is heating our atmosphere, which via the greenhouse effect, is heating our oceans. The warmer oceans are increasing the likelihood and destructive power of tropical storms, such as hurricane Helene. As of writing this article, the hurricane has killed 227 people across six different states. Entire communities have been massacred by the flash floods, flying debris, storm surges, and lack of resources. As  you can see, the ocean waters’ and atmosphere’s temperature sets off a chain reaction of a spider web of issues that all come from the leading factor; climate change.

Some Climate-change naysayers will argue that climate change doesn't exist, or that it’s a perfectly natural phenomenon. Some will also claim that if it’s real, then it’s too late for us to change anything anyways. Another idea is that plants and animals can and will adapt, and if they can’t, then that’s just natural selection doing its work. 

Facts state otherwise, and climate change activists would agree. As I previously stated, the earth’s temperature is rising far faster than it has in previous years, which many believe to be the work of humans, seeing as it all starts near the beginning of the industrial revolution. The change is too drastic and too swift for many species to properly evolve in order to keep up with. 

I myself wholeheartedly believe that climate change needs to be more recognized, and that we should be fighting to discover new solutions, alternatives, and opportunities.

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What do you think about climate change? 

What solutions could we use to combat it? 

Do you have any thoughts about the connection between climate change and hurricane Helene?

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  • Great topic choice and summary Anna! Be sure to keep commenting especially later Thursday.

  • What are the solutions on helping climate change i think some solutions are that we start walking places like so people live a block from the store and yet they still drive, so i think more people should walk or even bike places that are close because it helps plus it saves you some money.

  • I think climate change is a very important right now and will be even more important in the futer. there are many solutions we could do to help including stopping so much waste for food. And by help renewing energy. I do think that there are connections but I also belelive that it could be because of water rising and weather change. 

  • What solution do you think we could use to combat climate change? I think we could make towns more accessible for bikes and people that walk. This would make more people not want yo drive, which then ultimately would reduce climate change.

  • What solutions are there to combat climate change? Switching to solar power is a good key solution, which has been helping with climate change for a while. Another good solution is reforestation, planting trees to absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere. 

  • I do belive that climate change is extreamly important to deal with. It is depopulating exotic species such as polar bears and penguins down in the artic, but thats not all, it is forcing animals outside of antartica to move into knew habitats which can greatly deminish there numbers.

  • What do you think about climate change? I feel that yes it is real but I dont like how they say one of the main prouducers is cows and farm equtment. the reason I feel this way is that without those we would barley have any food 

  • I think climate change is a very important topic aqs it can and will affect the future of the world. If the tempatures keep rising at this rate, maybe even increase it could cause many more natural disasters, and irreversible damage. I do think it will be very hard to fight against, as the world has made overconsumption a normal. 

  • I think climate change is very serious and becoming a very big problem. We arent doing nothing about it though, us humans just keep on making this worse. The worse us humans treat this planet the worse our severe wather/ tempture patterns will be.

  • i think climate change can be very manageable, but lets keep everyone up in the economey, and let everyone have control of their own proptery. to cobat it, to stop the production of eletric vhecals.

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